Ken Cosgrove

We had the McCaughnaissance, now it's time for the Age of Vaughnlightenment.

So uh, would you, uh…want to reply to my comment, like, socially sometime?

C'mon, c'mon, that can't be true. The Von Bondies' singer would have said "rescue me" by the eleventh punch.

Each lyric is tinged with the inflection of infection. Yeastus rises in just under 40 minutes. 5 Stars

We spilling crumbs left and right, can we get some napkins?
Eating so many carbs like F#$% you Atkins!
-Kanye West, Yeastus

Quick, let's go on a walk and talk to discuss our opinions and exchange quips.

Get out of my car, #####!

A lesser show would have tried to make fun of him for his hard luck dating. Instead Nathan sympathizes with him and still makes it funny, because the joke is on Nathan and his desire to connect with others.

He always seems to find these people who are so ready to divulge personal and bizarre stories about themselves.

MISANDRY! You see the misandry inherent in the system!

I wonder what Daniel Tosh point O would say about this woman.

How about Tommy Wiseau's "You must be kidding. Aren't you?"

Is this based on the Daily Show's book America: The Book?

That's not neCecily true.

Switzerland: while the country itself is pacifist, the ghosts there can be real assholes.

I don't know if anyone has ever pointed this out before, but this Aubrey Plaza person is very attractive.

Sounds like this loser is YOU. Nah, I'm just kidding, you're great.

Et tu, VanDerWerff?

The Continental Soccer Association is coming to Springfield! It's all here - fast-kicking, low scoring, and ties? You bet!
Hey Dad, how come you've never taken us to see a soccer game?
I… don't know.
You'll see all your favorite soccer stars. Like Adiaga! Adiaga two! Badiaga! Aruglia! And Pizzoza!

I know, right! Rate of play! Rate of play !