Ken Cosgrove

But guys, a soccer game ended in a TIE! That only happens about a third of the time!

It was exciting as game six of the 2011 world series, if the game was called a draw after 9 innings. Who cares if anyone wins, orange slices and trophies for everyone!

Wonder what kind of con4s8ion her parents had to come up with that one.

I hope people don't mispronounce it as eunuch.

My name is Quendra with a Q. U.

Yeah, he meets that girl on the subway. It was half of an episode. Sometimes this show sticks to continuity, and sometimes it just goes fuck it.

I always call it the Hank Hill Booty, or HHB for short.

In terms of real life, almost no one can compete with Newton, but damn it if Neil de Grasse Tyson's rap didn't bring the house down.

I love this news so much, I want to take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant!

How about "making Ser Brown fly out the Moon Door"?

I hate to break it to you, but you can toss that Snake Plissken autograph I gave you.


Bearded man boy!

There for what?

That's the spirit!

Wait….Lady Gaga is in this?

Okay, I am trying to listen to Talking Heads and those stupid banner ads keep playing over them automatically. I hate websites when they're…not polite.

Or you can put a flat area and hit the gas til you overheat the engine. What kind of crappy bikes were those?

Everytime the cops find a body it's always in the same place: a shallow grave. The cops should start their search there every time.

He did a crotch chop followed by a fake bukake hand motion.