Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis


I bet that hat has a cartoonish pastel felt flower on it.

I bet that hat has a cartoonish pastel felt flower on it.

It's the sort of horror I experience when I look at a glass of water and try to think about molecules.

It's the sort of horror I experience when I look at a glass of water and try to think about molecules.

That's my purse!

That's my purse!

I forgot how good Kid A is.

I forgot how good Kid A is.

This kinda thing would be really hard to normalize. Do you scale the measure based on how much funding is needed for the particular movie? By the prior experience of the director (If you've made movies before, you'll have an easier time raising money than a novice)? By the content of the movie? (That is, a cheap

This isn't edgy, and it's also not that sort of: I'm saying racist things ironically so it's not racist (but, actually it's racist) thing that pops up in comments pretty often. This is pretty clearly just mocking dumb things that some strawman supersexist might say.

A couple examples doesn't prove a trend. What's the -average- return on movies like this?

cappadocius, don't people do that…all the time? There are a huge number of indie movies that come out with like 2-8 million dollar price tags that never had to ask Hollywood for permission to get made.

Stifling laughter due to this comment resulted in a very strange noise that likely made everyone look at my office quizzically.

She did commit bribery and fraud. That's not so pure.

What, y'all don't listen to Econ Talk?

Granted, I imagine people 20 years before your time would find a lot of what you're into appalling.

"Especially in America." Really? We have to do this dance?

You got here 3 hours earlier than I did. And were politer too. Well done.

Hair-pulling is a porn move now? These sound like dull people.