Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

That was the other one that came to mind.

Stop Resisting!

Jaws: The Horse: The Band

Around where I live, food is often described as 'for white people.' Mostly in the context of breakfast tacos.

Because that doesn't happen?

Mano-a-mano means hand-to-hand, not man-to-man. Hurry up and hire that copy-editor!

Promising. Needs work.

No, humanity is going to lose it. There's a subtle difference.

Somehow, this song just popped up on my hipster music Pandora station. In the mood for Animal Collective? How about some Papa Roach!

The trailer won't disconfirm that.

Nobody gets naked? Pass.

Alas, I think it's dead anyway. It was way too much work for a joke that I don't even remember in the comments years ago. Forgot it existed till I got the email saying they were killing it.

I just got an email from cafepress saying they're going to delete my account due to disuse. That means this is your last chance to buy my one and only product: the ZoMoFo shirt http://members.cafepress.co…

Human Uroborus.

Sounds exhausting.

Sounds exhausting.

At this rate, HC 5 will be a chain of every living man, woman and child on earth. I believe Eugene Ionesco is writing it.

At this rate, HC 5 will be a chain of every living man, woman and child on earth. I believe Eugene Ionesco is writing it.

I thought it was funny when they accidentally did gay stuff. And then that Amish guy was like "mmmmmmm, yeah."

Why do people have friends they don't like?