Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis


Oh, I know. It just…escalated quickly. Then he went right back to getting excited about all the little kids at the show.

Maybe it's best not to pull back the curtain there.

Yeah, but at least we weren't wearing plastic cowboy hats.

I waited in zero lines and spent zero dollars on cover. I did, however, spend about 200 bucks on lone star.

No mention of Andrew WK going into the crowd to pick a fight with the dude in the green shirt? That was…weird.

Holy balls, @avclub-230a11d4f53fa5ecb16c69d668eb8456:disqus , that was a helluva comment.

A couple things. The minimum wage won't "set a baseline" from which everything scales. It just cuts off below a certain point. Take an extreme example as a thought experiment. What if the minimum wage were 60k a year? Now there's no way McDonald's can make a profit paying people 60k a year to sell 8 dollar meals. They

For exactly the same reason there are jobs now that pay more than the minimum wage. For the reason that many Wal-Mart greeters and McDonald's employees make more than minimum wage. Labor markets.

Redacted due to misplacement.

I didn't say it's possible to live above the poverty line at $2 bucks an hour. My claim is 2 bucks an hour is better than zero. Notice I said go from extremely poor to very poor. That's still poor. But it's less poor, which means it's an improvement.

Well, there are a lot of really good arguments that the minimum wage is bad for the poor. Wal-Mart greeters make more than minimum wage. Why? Because they wouldn't be able to hire someone to do the job for less.

It's true, people with iPhones are rich, if you compare against most people in the world. And especially if you compare against most people who've ever lived. So next time you get riled up about the rich, remember you're the rich if you're posting here.

Right, they're incapable of deciding what they want, so we —- who are not them, who do not have their lives, who do not know what they're facing —- we know better and shall decide for them.

It's only slutly infuckted. You just need to visit the dicktor for some peniscillin.

Is it really any worse than someone at subway with a nametag that says they're a sandwich artist? The thing is, those who participate don't find it too "dehumanizing" to participate. Why don't you let them decide for themselves? I think it's patronizing to tell others what they should or should not want to do.

They'll all be wearing pink plastic cowboyhats.

But is it a problem that the rich give money to the poor through the poor performing some service that the rich like to have? That is, everyone gets something positive out of it and no one is harmed. What's distasteful about that? Everything that's happening here is voluntary. No one's forced to wear a shirt and no

Hell, I have a parking spot downtown and if it weren't for the fact that I had visitors showing up later in the week, I'd probably skip it too.

He was tall, that's true. And he was freakishly strong. Like, impossibly strong.