Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

You'd call it that if you were a college football fan.

You just reminded me of a simpler time. A time when comments had subject lines.

Jesus. I hope THIS is sarcasm. You'd have to be fantastically obtuse to miss the sarcasm in Monkey_pants's comment.

I hope you're attacked by an octopus.

The last 50 pages of GR are really fantastic. As much work as it is to get there, I think it's worth it.

AV Club reports on reddit threads? This is the hard-hitting journalism and insightful analysis we all come here for.

They're still doing this in College Station.

Late to the game here. But also, Lydia says "We're going to make a lot of money together" which is exactly what Tuco said.

Funny. I love (about 70% of) Gravity's Rainbow, but I thought Mason & Dixon was close to terrible.

Huh, you've now made me interested to read it. I kinda gave up on Pynchon after Mason & Dixon.

Also…isn't it good to recycle clothes?

I can't like catchy radio pop now without being a hipster?

I feel like this was already "Great Job Interneted" some time ago. So they're also recycling their own material.

This thread needs a scrapple joke. Someone make one.

This thread needs a scrapple joke. Someone make one.

As is the case for every commentary track ever.

As is the case for every commentary track ever.

I also have a facebook account.

I also have a facebook account.