Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

This is the most offensive thing Lobsters has ever done.

Yeah, the one thing I don't want to see at a TMBG show is good spirited fun and whimsy.

That's like 10% of the fun of watching the video.

Nathan's got a classic case of: I don't know what to do with my hands!

The Penis Penguin will be on the list next year.

This would make me never want to listen to music again. What I'm saying is: well done.

I forget about this feature every year, so it's always a fantastic surprise. I laughed several different kinds of laughs reading this.

I'm pissed that I know who that is without clicking the link.

I collapse every Dawes thread now.

Every year during South-by, I claim to be in some horrible, made-up band. I think it's time to retire my electro dance psychedelic freak-out project, Larry Curly 'n' Motion.


My favorite bit was the muttered: I think she runs a Ponzi scheme.

Agree on both counts. Imagine the entitled, unpleasant kind of person she'd be if she got something so extravagant and wasn't excited.

Check out the thread below for your answer.

Yeah, I agree it's way too long. But the good parts are stellar.

Don't get carried away.

I always never hear of this guy.

The blue shit.

Hey, guys. I'm like . . . stoned. Get it?

It's not really screwing them. You can chose no to enter into a contract.