Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Exactly. I'm glad someone understands me.

swing and a miss

Pretty sure princesses are more of a British thing than an American thing.

Thanks, I will check that out.

Sure, but ukulele is funnier. And I've barely even seen a gortar before.

Saw 'em in Austin when they came through. They were playing the show like it was their eulogy to Smoot. It was a great send-off back to the center of the universe.

Well, since he taught me to smoke trees, I can't criticize him too much.

I also like pocket squares and bow ties!

Being a toolbox?

Inconvenience and tyranny are differences of degree, not kind. If we allow corporations to control when we  fuck around with silly aps, what won't we concede? Alec Baldwin is the new Rosa Parks.

No clouds? But clouds are amazing. Von Karman Streets! Helmholtz instabilities!

I roughly agree with you, but it's a touchy case to make. I mean, the same could be said of basically any kind of protest.

I'm bored with your liking liking hating things.

If you mean better just from a technical perspective then you can put Kanye and Dre on that list. But then you have to say that Yngwe Malmsteen is the greatest guitar player in history. And no one wants to say that.

Yes, but do you like liking things? Or do you like them and feel ashamed?

Is getting Sufjan Stevens to play too obvious? Or too impossible?

Great rapper for a sitcom. Bad rapper for a rapper. It's not a good sign when your joke rap and your album sound the same.

Along with every other day. Kinda lucked out on that one.