Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

This is hard to explain, but that right there might have been the moment I realized what acting could do. Like, I didn't realize that was allowed.

I'm trying to imagine Gary Oldman as Daniel Planview now. It would be a different movie, but I suspect, still amazing.

Ron Swanson's nephew plays the ukulele, apparently.


Huh, look at that. They're totally reasonable.

If anything, I think I like the newer music better. I know we're not supposed to do that.

I think they get the Spoon treatment: oh, another totally solid, perfectly enjoyable album that plays with a well-established and unique sound without leaving what's great about the band behind. We'll call it a B.

So why do you read them?

Black Lipstick, Black Crows, Blood of the Black Owl . . .


Hey! I'm the guy who says "HEY-O!" around here, buddy.

Jesus. I'm unemployed and I don't have enough time to listen to this much music.

Frank Darabont's original list of memes was better.

You are doing this right.

Then you're in the right place. This is an Em-dashy lot.

You mean, on the number of weeks before this happens? Are you sure you know what an over/under is?

Yeah, but a show about me would be really boring.

Agree about Oleg. Earl and Han could be totally absent from an episode and I wouldn't even notice. But I would miss Oleg.

I've been the Oleg at all of my many restaurant jobs, both of my academic jobs, and half of my professional jobs.

Said it again. "Think piece." May 2012 bring us new jargon.