Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Saying things like "writing a paper about movies was hard" is why people with science degrees don't respect your lot.

The reason they hate it is 'cause it's common? Figures.

Wye Oak it is.

I imagine you'd get more comments on these if the video didn't autoplay.

Which street is that, exactly?


Dogtooth is kinda that movie.

Like Russian nesting dolls.

Yeesh. I thought the Muppets + Fox News article would produce the most insufferable comments today. Then this appeared.

What's wrong with marching bands?

I could understand, at least, how attending a NASCAR race live would be entertaining. But on TV, it's worse than watching golf.

That's ok. I didn't like it either.

My god. I've never seen so much chicken.

You just wrote the name of a song that's mentioned in the article. An impressively lazy comment and a beautiful example of how these sections bloat to 500 primarily redundant, hackneyed, facile, asinine comments in a few hours. Well done, providing a cautionary tale to us all.

Clearly, the cover that needs to happen is "Merry Christmas From the Family." But probably none of the guest musicians listen to Rober Earl Keen.

Nothing like a little snark for Christmas.

Was a time when starting a post with "Am I the only one" got a person called a gay retard. For some reason, people found that offensive.

I…do not.

There was the episode with the evolution haunted house, where the guy in the gorilla mask showed up as grandpa coming to dinner.

Does it have something to do with the way he talks?