Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I'm gonna vote "Rome" here.

I don't know the commercial at all, but that has to be Carmelo Anthony. Right?

Does the spoiler have to be in the title?

Getting called ugly and subsequently getting slapped must've been a rough day for Ms. Spektor.

For shame.

Then I would have no idea what you're talking about.

I really hope to get an Andrew WK reprisal.

I'm pretty sure she stepped out of Boogie Nights like Arnold did in The Last Action Hero.

Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. She makes me want to hang out by a drained pool in a motel in the dessert.

She's captivating and confusing to me. I do not know if I like her. She's like a Durian fruit bubble tea that I want to have a month-long unhealthy Last Tango in Paris style affair with: you know, it's kind of gross and I can't quite explain the appeal, but I also can't quite seem to put it away.

Update: I literally ate an entire pecan pie. It was amazing.

Hm. Seemed like just a basic summary to me.

Seconded. And I don't even like the joke that much.

Has anyone actually listened to this? If so, why?

I think similarity is transitive. If one is similar to the other, the other is similar to the first.

I donno. Making something solid is doing pretty good. Most of the things I use every day are unspectacular, but I'm certainly glad they're there.

Let me be clear. Bachmann's totally a bitch —- I don't need to be convinced of that.

I didn't really read the article, just clicked on the link straight away. These things tend to give away all the good surprises. So I just sat there for a second looking at the blank page, confused. I moved my mouse to click refresh and when Cage's face appeared I literally yelled out, "Ugh."

I can see an argument for that. But I think to be a good leader and legislator, you do need experience and specialized knowledge. The results of any piece of policy are complicated. The weighing of the use of political capital is a learned skill. It's one thing to know that you generally support higher taxes, it's a

Huh. That's really something. How do you know that?