Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

This is the CEO defense. How could I know that the people working directly for me would be rude to my guest? I can't be held responsible for that.

They did make a big issue out of her crying, remember?

@avclub-3b661d671740495716434a3ba797c6f2:disqus The 'feminist support' that @avclub-bfaa543c0bd80ed5e567ea123e913430:disqus is talking about, clearly, is just in regards to the use of the word bitch, not a general support. He's not suggesting that feminists should vote for Bachmann because she's a woman —- that's

So help us out with a better analogy. Pick a prominent liberal woman who you wouldn't be upset about The Roots playing Lying Ass Bitch as her entrance music?

I don't know that putting out an album every year that gets songs into the top 10 really counts as coasting, does it?

Listened to this twice through and now I'm queueing up a third. Leonard Cohen sings straight into my guts.

Or the slave torturing fun in GWAR as the new Flattus Maximus.

But isn't that about the best you can hope for in the post-apocalypse? It's not like there's anywhere to plug in your theramin.

Yeah, it's from South Park.

You should already have done this.

Ah, yes. Making baby noises. This is the kind of insight I relish on the AVC comment boards.

Though one. The Ravens have been inconsistent, but the Niners aren't a terrible match-up for them. It'll be a grind of a game, I think, which might favor Baltimore.

I never buy the argument that a loss is a good thing. This is a team that's lost a LOT. They know they need to stay motivated.

If you'll call a man a bitch, then you're not looking for gender neutral. You're looking for not-insulting-to-women. So you're asking for a word to use to insult, specifically, a woman that's not insulting to women. Good luck with your quest.

Because we're not all overly sensitive Nancy-boys?

Yeah, writing about politics and doing politics are different skills. Perhaps a few reps in the minors before leaping into the Senate isn't unreasonable.

Well, I think that people mostly agree on that. It's not like she's a threat to actually win.

Oh, they know. They're just having fun dreaming.

Well, probably someone would have figured it out by now. And it's not like they created all of math whole-cloth. But some important contributions did come out of middle-ages era Islam.

You mean like plucking a dried chicken intestine strung taunt across the face of a broken toilet seat?