Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I mean, unless you count total psychic breakdown as a kind of hangover.

This sucks. They were supposed to be rolling into Austin in a couple weeks and I was pretty jazzed about getting alien jizzed.

Haven't seen an OF COCK in quite a while.

Dude, ayahuasca isn't a homeopathic tea. It's a super-potent psychedelic.

Gladwell's 10,000 hours idea isn't that you repeat the same task over and over a lot and then become good at it. It's crucial that you do 10,000 hours of the right kind of practice; that is, practice that continually challenges you.

Boy oh boy, I love me a Decemberists comment section.

Knock knock.

My dick is like an accent mark/ It's all about the over e's.

Yuuup. I watched it like at 1 pm and it scared the shit out of me.

Also, Bob's voice over the walkie-talkie is quite menacing. 

Deja vu - The sensation you are doing something you have done before.

Deja vu - The sensation you are doing something you have done before.

Also, he aggressively pursued Pam, playing the banjo and singing in falsetto. Then he turns into a guy who can't find the guts to ask a shy girl out for a cup of coffee.

No offense, but he's from Oklahoma.

I don't know the title, but the episode where Kahn becomes a redneck is fantastic.

Yeah, my phone doesn't play nicely with the new comment format. This is —- to my knowledge —- the third time one of my comments has been horribly orphaned, depriving all my pretend internet friends of my pithy, insightful dick jokes.

Alcoholic Irish cop who plays by his own rules, but has a heart of gold. Lovable, troubled junkie with a sage perspective. Morgan Freeman knockoff who's actually named Freemon. Brother Muzone. The A story of season five. There's plenty about the Wire to assail.

Of course there's this new fangled music all the kids see listening to: Walken Roll.

I dunno, science is doing pretty well. Most people in thr US go to doctors, not faith healers. Investment in technology continues to grow, church attendance continues to shrink. Neither side in this debate can really claim victimhood.