Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

But, Trekinosis, it's inevitable that you yourself have many beliefs with no basis in rationality. Hell, it took decades for Bertrand Russel to prove, on the basis of rationality, that 1+1=2. It's impossible to commit that level rigor to every belief. One set of unproveable axioms are no better than another, from a

Dammit, now I want wings.

Hadoop is more fun to say than it is to use.

Middle school? Eesh. I have a hip replacement I need to schedule.


Did you just take a comment made by a guy named Sarccasro at face value? You don't think, maybe, it was a joke?

That didn't take long

…says a bunch of beta males

Guinness is low calorie, low alcohol and creamy. That's girl beer.

But, the joke is that Phil thinks she's telling him he's being offensive. So…

ella ella ella ella
hey hey hey hey

Make him live in Detroit?

Sarah Silverman's a dozen years older than Whitney Cummings.

Yeah, I think Myles missed the joke there.

I don't know what it is, but I love the Swimming Song (though not the version posted above). It's just about swimming, but somehow it's melancholy and hopeful and guarded and exuberant.

Evolutionary, sure, but with a punctuated equilibrium model for evolution. Mac made large evolutionary leaps in technologies that had grown stale.

Evan's correct: that is the path to wealth.  And through wealth comes freedom. Progress is slow and painful, but hopefully, in broad strokes, each step is a little less painful than the last.

I liked the wheel.

You're conflating design with marketing and those two are not remotely the same. You could operate an iPod with just your thumb, quickly and easily. That's pretty clever, and not just mere marketing.

I think your indignation is just as silly as a fan-boy's obsequiousness. iTunes isn't great, but the iPod really was a huge improvement on the mp3 player design. And mac does make some pretty good laptops. Sure, if open-source is important to you, then you don't want a mac. I use Ubuntu and it's…fine. Making good