Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Says the guy trying to unload his Apple stock.


Man, your facebook friends are like, really insightful.

Yeah, what horrible exploitation it is to have a job!

Hats off for "the misters"

Were you dressed like Minnie Pearl?

Punk Rock Girl is a damned fine love song.

I imagine —- though I don't have any evidence to support this, so if someone does, either way, please point me to it —- that unpaid internships don't make even a second-order impact on unemployment.  Let's worry about first-order effect first. Immigration laws seem to, minimum wage laws certainly do. A lot of

I agree that being misled about what an internship entails is shitty. But people taking these positions obviously have the luxury of working for free, to chase a dream perhaps, and aren't exactly exploited. They're not working for sustenance. Which means that, yes, if things aren't what they were led to believe, they

JP, I'm not sure I understand your grievance.  I've made quite a few comments all around this page, a few directly to marksoc that do exactly what you suggest. I was merely getting a little dismayed for how quickly and often he resorted to insults. I think, no matter your opinion on the issue, it's clear that things

The problem is the unemployment rate, not the existence of unpaid internships. Creating regulations that make hiring people more expensive and more risky may not be the best way to encourage hiring.

If people aren't getting something out of a job, they're not going to do it. So people will take paying gigs that are, perhaps, along a different path than the one they'd ideally prefer. The only way to win those workers back is to offer them money.

I would be easier to take you seriously, marks, if you weren't so reliant on insults and sarcasm.

A Big 4 Undercover would be tits.

Wait, so your saying it's in the employers interests to 1) hire people and to 2) pay them according to the value the employees add? I agree with you!

Try making your points without leading with an insult. You should at least have the confidence to allow ideas to stand on their own.

I've read your books, buddy. I spent most of my life advocating radical socialism.

You know you can quit an internship, right?

Put me on any list you like marks.

It's true. I am forcing freedom on people. Freedom is slavery.