Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Must've been a liberal arts major. Everyone gets an A.

In all fairness…

Townes Van Zandt died from quitting drinking, too. So that's pretty good company. 

Please, please do not get it started on Japanese TV.

An aluminum bat is certain the ideal melee weapon. A shotgun has many problems, some of which have already been mentioned. Something with a lot of ammo, high reliability, and a rapid rate of fire is probably the way to go. Range or accuracy aren't as important: if they're far enough away to pick off one by one, you're

We scientists would fare better than average in an apocalypse…so long as nothing happens to our glasses.

You'll need more than a mere fortress. Food and water are just as crucial.

Why did she naturally win? Chances are,  you're much stronger than she.

When was this magical time of grand intellectualism? Seems to me that more people now can read, more brain work is being done, and more people are getting higher education now than at any time ever. And it seems like the trend is just going to continue to more of that, not less.

People are doing a bad job of noticing when things are jokes today.

An orgy is a convocation?

Something is happening here and you don't know what it, do you, Mr Bassett.

I thought we retired, "Am I the only one…"

@avclub-4f18f486a356810b3ef8008243bcba7a:disqus . Huh, that's kind of surprising. I bet there's a bump at the lowest end, still. That is, there must be more abjectly stupid than there are godlike geniuses.

Seems as good a place as any to get the AVC Fantasy Football trash talk started. Prepare to get Nutraloafed.

Actually, most of the population is of above average intelligence. Not everything is Gaussian distributed. 


How do you propose to define an objective value of 'quality'? Is, say, Funny Games objectively good? Some here on this site say it's a great, powerful, important movie while others call it exploitative heavy-handed schlock.

Yeah, all that subtext in Sacha Baron Cohen's dancing penis.

@avclub-59c4e0a1cedba7dc5ff1541ac8b60028:disqus  you seem like you're trying really hard to be offended about something.