Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Well, popular does mean that people like it, which I think is all he's claiming. And really, when it comes to entertainment, what does 'good' mean beyond 'I like this.'?


All cultures are valid and worthwhile…except poor southern whites.

Let's say this is true. It's still should kinda be her choice to weigh that risk for herself, not yours.

I'll ask again here: how does the next generation of apes get to be super smart?  Does the movie take place in some parallel, Lamarckian universe?

Ape Froman is the only chimp-wearing-a-suit avatar I recognize.

Agreed. The nested comments are a mess, and subject lines added a nice opportunity for creativity.

Did you honestly think you were the only one?

Is your FEZ and GIANT MESS?

It's true, writing is easy. Writing something good is hard.

Can someone explain
how a serum that makes one ape smart produces a whole race of smart apes? Does this movie take place in an alternate, Lamarckian universe?

I have so much more money now than I did in the late 90s. This whole recession thing has been nothing but roses for me.

Ease up on the m-dashes.

Agreed. It's simple and really captures what's in my heart.

Easy on the m-dashes there.

Grapevine, however…

Houston doesn't really belong on that list. They've got a lesbian mayor, for fuck's sake.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Tend tend! Fucking tend. Fuck this fucking phone in its fucking face.

Heh. That should be "trend." The hazards of commenting on the go.