Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I also don't see what the hubub is about. What terms do we have for The Hangover or Judd Apatow movies? Aren't they often derided as movies for frat boys and man-children?

Stupid fucking alive man.

Let me get this straight…
To be a movie star, you have to be attractive, and falling down is funny. By God, New Yorker, you've done it again!

Also my intro to Trier. My favorite bit was them discussing the version that was shot in India and Trier coming down on Leth for not making the movie he was supposed to, even though the movie he made was better than what Trier had told him to do.

He's ranked 18th in the AP College Football poll.

I totally agree. The into to Angry Candy is probably the best thing he's written. I had a similar history with Ellison. I don't read him anymore, but if I have kids, I'll get them a copy of Strange Wine when they turn 15.

His Harry Caray was always good for a laugh.

I laugh just thinking about the outtake from that scene where Ferrell swallows a guffaw while saying "whale's vagina."

Yes, tamarind is also fantastic on a hot dog.

Not so, Flaubert. No matter how good your genes are, if you're born to a goat herder in sub-Saharan Africa, you're probably not going to the next Rob Lowe.

In Rob Lowe's defense, the age of consent in Georgia at the time was 14.

Alex, hot dogs can be so much more.

What's fucked up about that, Wackaddodle?

Prime real-estate that could be used for Videocracy's return.

That's some high praise, Lovecraft.

Can I clear this up? Both places suck and have shitty weather.

Yes, but being from my generation, I want things catered exactly and specifically only to my tastes. For free. Is that so much to ask?

I'll be the guy
mourning Metal Box this week. Cause I don't really care for punk or hardcore.

Good thread! Thanks again, pretend internet friends.

Opening Salvo
You never hear the word 'salvo' unless you hear it in the set phrase 'opening salvo.' It's kinda lazy.