Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Guy Clark is the greatest living songwriter. Steve Earl has been on about a 15 year cold streak. Still, I'll probably give this a listen.

I've so far missed Great Escape and Casablanca. But I've seen all the others multiple times. So…now you know that about me.

As a Cowboys fan, Dan Snyder is one of my favorite people.

Ok, you go over there with your harpoon and I'll go over here with fucking lightning. You ready?

Having two generations raised on sophisticated console games is what will keep the US as the best-trained military force in the world.

He Hate Him.

I really REALLY hope we get to see GWAR in the little round room one day.

This thread needed a He Hate Me joke. Sadly, that was not a very good one.

I'm convinced you made all of these bands up, then threw in GBV to throw us off the scent.

Where you get your information from?

It was my first CD.

Has anyone ever noted that Michael Moore is fat?

I'm shocked that Hootie sold 10 million more albums than Under the Table and Dreaming. That's…crazy. Hootie was fucking huge.

Anyone else see
the Undercover spoiler there at the top right of the page? If not, and you don't want to, be warned.

Have you seen that girl? I know this defense is a little suspect, but, come on your honor look at her. Does she look 16 to you?

I gutted my TV an put a mirror in place of the screen so that when people look at it, they like see themselves in it, like looking back at them, man.

Yontwq, what do you mean by 'supposed to.' Are you saying that men who shave their heads don't look the way they're supposed to?

Having not read the book, I shall now proceede to critique it succinctly below:
Oh no, Michael Jordan is good at basketball! America is so imperialist!

Yeah, the album cover needs more naked young girls with tiny penises.

Here's a thread that can appreciate the scientific contributions of Doi and Edwards!