Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Saw S&G in Rome for free at the Colosseum. It was pretty amazing.

Lady Gaga pretty much looks the same.

Not a fan of Community, Chajaeco?

Why no
just release the album under then name Noah Lennox? If you want me to take it seriously, you should stop saying the name so much.

"fundamentally changed the way humanity perceives itself through the medium of literature"

This thread is why liberal arts and humanities degrees are dumb.

Have you heard Alanis Morissett's cover of "My Humps"? Cause that's an example of how you do that.

Two commenters in this thread alone don't know how ties for first work.

It's nice of cities to prevent us from feeling existential horror at our insignificance.

Ron was great in this episode. Back to his more understated Swanson-ness. He'd been getting too wacky, and I'm glad they pulled him back a bit.

How about The Class of 99. Killer war cyborgs reprogrammed to teach at a rough inner city school. What could go wrong?

Ha! I forgot about The Head. They were very inconsistent about the size of that head.

Also ugly people with money…do whatever the fuck they want. Being rich is awesome.

A physics of power taking the body as object
"the methods of seemingly normal men tasked with committing great crimes remain the same. "

What's strange is that you only kind of like GWAR, and that it took until now to do so.

Oh, relax. It was cheeky, not mean. Obviously, a person can't be _wrong_ about an opinion.

I think that's a little harsh, Teeth. I'm enjoying the conversation.

Here's a guy who's wrong about things.

Let me ask, lexi, what do you mean by sentience? Because I don't see that my 'if' is bigger than yours. A material foundation for sentience seems reasonable, follows from what we've learned about the world so far, and has some empirical support (many experiences are linked to physical neural states) even if the link