Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I don't even have an internet connection.

Horse, agreed. It's all grandstanding and inconsequential.

molly, I agree, NPR funding is a drop in the bucket compared to the things you've cited. Honestly, I don't really care if we give NPR that trivial amount of money or not. I just think it's silly to get upset about cutting the funding.

Evan, did you just argue that, sure, people don't really listen to it so BECAUSE of that, we should all pay for it? If people aren't listening to it, then it doesn't matter how good the journalism is, because people aren't listening to it.

I would like this newswire to get off my lawn.

Evan, that's not what a Public Good is.

If people like those programs, they'll pay for them.

Pretentious guy,

If people are willing to pay for it, then it doesn't need public funding. If it needs public funding, then people don't really want it. Either way, there's no justification for continuing NPR's government funding.

How is public radio tantamount to roads? Roads are a public good. NPR is…a radio station.


NPR isn't going anywhere.

It's seriously ridiculous to get all frothy at the mouth, demanding that I pay for something because you like it.

It's easy to hate Prairie Home Companion; I do it a lot. Fucking Garrison Keilor.

I'm that asshole
You can't be equally preeminent. If you're preeminent, you have no equal.

Pi day is not for kids. It's am excuse for grad students to get drunk on a weekday. If pi day lands on a weekend, well, grad students would be drunk anyway.

You'd do it too, to the tuna few million clams.

Yeah, but what're the odds of a 9?

It's really hard to prepare anything for a 9.0 earthquake. That's a thousand times stronger than a 6.0, which will mess shit up good.

Sounds promising
Hmm, the subject line pretty much covers everything I had to say. Not sure what to do with this space.