Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Jimbo, that's neither subtle nor is it a first. Try learning what words mean.

The bit
…that stands out the most for me is when Brando is talking about getting a pig.

You know, I look at that photo and think it has all the elements of something that should be lust-inducing, but it all seems somehow simultaneously sanitized and dirty. Getting turned on by GP is like trying to get aroused in a hospital.

I'll happily support my local video store as soon as they can match the price, catalog, and convenience of Netlfix.

Swing and a miss.

Yeah, pretty sure it's spell "super novar."

This whole thing was pretty amusing for a while, but I'm about burned out. I've ODed on Sheen, I guess.

Also, that's not at all what 'the exception that proves the rule' means.

Weren't the Violent Femmes on an episode once?

That's the 'shoulda wore a rubber' face.

Morbid curiosity?

Don't like T&E, do like AC. So am I only half a shitty poser douche?

Michael Moore is also fat.

There's a mistake in the derivation of the uncertainty principle. One of the expectation values is missing a square.

I liked all three of these. In my eyes, you're all bi-winners.

Well, let's see some links, y'all!

Casey Barteau

my vote
Casey Barteau still holds up for me. With Kate Moore second.

Pretty sure that's exactly what Broyles was talking about there, Wax Tommie. So, you know, not odd at all.

Someone who speaks Latin should know what 'begging the question' means.