Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

No way Charlie Sheen has ever heard of Animal Collective.

Sean O'Neal's promotion
is about 10% due to Charlie Sheen. This is also true of every other promotion.

I'd recommend watching The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser for a good take on that riddle.

A spoiler alter might not be required, but it's still polite (and we strive for nothing here at the AV Club if not politeness). If Rabin has only just seen the movie, you gotta imagine a lot of other movie geeks have managed to miss it so far, too. And as many have said, this one especially benefits from knowing as

Charlie Sheen shoots CancerAIDS from his fists too, you know?

I assume
the crotch on his tux also needs to be loosened a bit

The French.

I wonder how much of the desire to stray comes from this feeling that the modern world is a buffet of easy sex and frivolous excess, that right now you're missing out on it. The reality of trying to get laid is —- most of the time —- a lot less interesting than the fantasy. It's kinda the Lacanian concept of

Y'all are kinda uptight.

twisted firestartah

It's good to learn, from an early age, that it's strange to be anything at all.

Woah, which president?

Well that turned into a dogpile.

Did you read the article, or just misunderstand the headline?

Well, he did sorta mincingly flee the Brittish in Virginia. I'm just saying, he's no General Washington.

Is this a Kierkegaard reference?

Can I just…get a little kiss?

Did you see what GAAWD just did to us man?

MFSP, your new avatar is confusing.

Yup, there's a lot of clamoring for Jason Statham to win an Oscar.