Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

@ Buffalo- Conceded: copyright infringement is not stealing.

Further, you do pay for the library through taxes. The publisher — and thus the writer — is paid by the library to have that book on its shelves. Further still the publishers agreed to allow those books to be made available in the library. Those musicians who agree to make their music available for free download are

Obviously, AB, no one is saying that consumers of music should be forced to give arbitrary amounts of money to anyone who calls themselves a band. And you know that. Let's attempt to be a little less facile.

I'm curious, do you not believe in the existence of any sort of intellectual property, or does this idea only apply to music?

Simply saying 'it's not stealing' doesn't make it so. Tell me, if I could make limitless, perfect copies of a book at a bookstore and 'em hand out to whomever asked wouldn't I be stealing that book?

Win one more, that's called a streak.

What means? Where is it that these bands are supposed to be getting paid? I mean, I steal as much music as the next guy, but it is stealing and it is an unsustainable practice. We'll look back on this as the golden age of piracy in the not too distant future.

Dickish and annoying, sure. But verbal abuse? Come on, America, stop being such pantie-wastes.

Immoral? Really?

I like a guy selling fake drugs condemning the principle of stealing fake drugs.

Hey, HDB, how's your penis?

How much fuck off Fred Durst?

I'm I the guy who's gonna get to say:

we are born astride the grave
I see Didi, but where's Gogo?

Wayward Son doesn't even make sense. It directly contradicts itself right there in most important lyric bit: do you want me to carry or, or do you want me to lay my weary head to rest?

Does anything in the article or in the comments 'matter?' Of 500+ comments, why are you taking exception to the irrelevance of this one?

Liberalism. And a specific brand of liberalism at that.

Not a lot of diversity of opinion on the AV Club writing staff.

"Where do those riches come from?" is a huge misunderstanding of how economics works. There isn't a set amount of wealth in the world. The rich aren't rich because the poor are poor. Both groups are getting richer. Wealth is created all the time. I am, right now, in absolute terms, MUCH richer than any king of

As to the New Deal, there's a pretty broad consensus even among liberal economists, that the policies that went the farthest to end the Depression were leaving the gold standard behind, which allowed for the expansion of the money supply and implementing the FDIC.