Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Oh, there you are.

I've never understood why anyone is concerned by the wealth gap. Aren't absolute gains made the poorest members of society much more important than the relative losses? In fact, aren't the absolute gains the only thing that's important? Clearly no one would say we've solved the issue of poverty just by making

Cyentist, I'm in the camp that counts the Bush administration (along with, say Buchanan) as among the worst in the country's history. But you're characterization of Cheney's motives is a little bit…retarded. Hell, he's not even strictly a neo-con, not in the way Wolfowitz and Pearl are. But to say that he is in the

Oh, I wasn't trying to point out that I wouldn't date you. Who cares if I would? I mean, hell, if you're hot enough I imagine it wouldn't matter what kind of obnoxious shrew you were, I would find a way to tolerate you for awhile.

Not everyone lives in dormitories, Buzz. Having sets of entirely different social circles isn't so unusual.

The line is get real, but one of those numbers needs to be "i". Both pi and root 2 are irrational.

"I seriously spent some time pondering how someone who made it through Infinite Jest could be such a caricature of partisan hackery"

The man PUNTED Baxter.

Neither of those are imaginary numbers.



Nope. Just saw your other posts. You're actually a dude, trolling. Carry on.

@Only female in entire fucking AVClub

It's not a loophole. It's just the fact that, when you're getting to know a person, it's silly to assume that their expectations will exactly mirror yours. I think you'd be being kind of a douche for blaming someone for failing to do something you've never asked them to do.

Ok, let's apply a little reason here:
1) If you don't ask if an relationship is exclusive, you can't be shocked and indignant to discover that it's not.

I going to fuck you and kill you both at the same time.

Stop being sad internet people. Go have fun! It's Friday.

HDB, it's time to retire, take all that money you've been putting away, and go like teach English in the Marshall islands for a year or two.

I think LCD songs are occasionally good, never great, but really variable in quality. Though it's not surprising that they're a fun live band.

"When she started talking to me again, I asked her out, making the avoidance permanent."