Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Agreed that they put on a good show. For me, Trail of the Dead just doesn't work as a recording.

Calling different frequencies of light different types of light is like calling identical cars traveling at different speeds different types of cars.

That's horrible.


There's only one type of light. But what do you expect out of the band that brought you Dear Science.

I bet they both eat on the toilet.

I think the point of the movie was that George Bush was photographed holding hands with Saudis.

More importantly
Did I miss it, or is everyone just pretending that "Cowboys and Aliens" didn't happen?

We're seriously indignant and offended by a buttsex joke?

In the trailers, they never show Thor walking to go pick up his hammer after he throws it.

Far out.

Though I find most of the language associated with modern identity politics just flat out depressing. It's all medical, academic, jargonistic, and all-around dehumanizing. Areas Studies departments have done a disservice to language at best, and real harm to society at worst. If racism were named today, we'd call

Comparing 'trangendered' to 'negro' is inapt. The latter was skunked because it was used, prolifically, as a slur. I can understand the complaint that 'tranny' is used as a slur. But 'transgendered' just isn't.

Well put TT. I was totally on board til you got to 'media guidance.' It might be a totally reasonable document, but boy does that sound Orwellian.

"These kind of jokes, although they might be harmless in a more tolerant atmosphere, are currently directly responsible for prejudiced opinions, hate crimes, and suicides. "

This ain't the Finer Things Club, bub.

Can't watch these at work, but now I know what I'm doing with my early evening.

Persia, yes, it absolutely still matters in zero G fights.

The only way a Robin could work is if they never, ever call him "Robin."

It's true, HDB, but in Brick he was sly and fought dirty.