Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I like both Embryonic and Yoshimi so much more than anything Arcade Fire have made.

Really, SPoPS? These language games can get out of hand.

Has anyone ever used "tranny" in a non-derogatory way?

Hmmm, maybe he doesn't like AF or Polysonic Spree cause they're Texans. I know we sure hate us some Okies.

Jewfro, there is a difference between gender and sex. Gender is the sort of socially constructed identity side of things, sex is your biological/anatomical junk. Neither is a bifurcated dichotomy: there's plenty of gray between biologically male and biologically female, or socially male and female.

Not sure why you're getting all ad hominemy. I wouldn't call it whining so much as having a different opinion than yours.

I have no idea where the frankegina 'thrusting' is happening. But I'd probably go check it out.

The guy still lives in Oklahoma on purpose. You can't really trust his judgment.

Dorkus, you're confusing sex and gender.

Agreed that it sucked. I just think the 'other people will misunderstand this' or the 'this will be used to facilitate misdeeds' argument is a poor one. Maybe even dangerous.

"Mr. Brain Wash as a runaway egomaniac who cares about commerce over artistry."

Which characters were actors?

Gotcha, DPA. They are less than us and therefore need to be coddled and protected.

Jasmine, it's an algebraic structure that combines a set with an operation.

Why is it such a horrible thing if someone gets their feelings hurt?

Yes. We should all be very careful not to commit thoughtcrimes.

Is it possible
that transgender women should actually be laughed at and ridiculed? Not murdered, sure. But why not mocked?

Only one word is banned here.

La dideda dideda. La la dideda deda.

I wrote in Last Caress which is probably too short to be worth it. Mother's a fine substitute.