Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Wow, AV Club readers
Y'all fucked up the country voting. Badly.

I can taste color.

It's a good video.

That bird in not my dopple -ganger

I fail to see what's wrong with their logic.

Dammit! Now it's in my mind. Quick, someone sing something else.

I totally forgot about Gravity Kills. I can't remember any of their songs, but didn't they have a video with, like, flies?

Before joining the supergroup Dr. Funke's All Natural Good Time Family Band Solution, of course.

Yeah, the best part is when they tell you exactly what entertaining things happen in the video they're about to show.

There are two solutions: stop being a pus, or stop being a grump.

Yeah, I don't care for the chatting to footage ratio. Or that fucking shirt.

Things that Limeade Youth's wife makes that we don't care for:

So it goes.

Yummish clearly hasn't seen Top Gun or read Moby Dick.

You hate domestic violence, huh? That's a bold position to take.

My ribcage reads 1-800-FLOWERS.

I have a terrible tattoo. It's a constant shame. But shame is a personality trait, right?

Duncan can't really do much about injuries and age on his team. But I can see where you're coming from.

Those were some . . . crazy times.

Bluemoon, I don't know many children who live like Charlie Sheen.