Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I'm sorry, how many of y'all are physicists? Well, please, stand back then and let me handle this.

Kinda sucks
See, I wouldn't have known this or that Steve Carell was leaving before the end of the season if those things hadn't been posted as headlines in the newswire.

Maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman.

It's true, Senator. No Strings Attached is a master turn for Portman.

Only slightly related
But can I just say that Bill Moyers is a badass?

I think you should be more worried about swearing loyalty to Google.

You're gonna cite Jon Stewart in your defense of something being unbiased?

Would anyone vote 'no?' I mean, if you weren't interested, would you click on the link? And even still, would anyone be upset if there were a write up? Asking the question is kinda destined to get a yes answer.

Delaware! It's close to other places!

Devo is more like a comp. sci. department.

Thinking about T-Rex remains being 'that guy' in a photo made me chuckle at work.

You know, MoAM are are pretty strong refutation of my claim. I saw them on New Year's Eve once and they set their theramin on fire, which is simultaneously geeky and rock-and-roll.

Steven Drozd + Maynard James Keenen + Rocket Man =

I'm pretty glad there's no band that represents a physics department. I like physics, but that would be terrible.

"Country" is a big genre. There's plenty that's terrible. But there's also plenty that's outstanding. Some of the best songwriters of all time are country singers. And if you write off the genre out of hand, you'll miss some breathtaking song craft.

Do you have a link?

I was into Dirty Fucking Milkpants before they were one of the worst band names of the year.

I imagine when they run out of toilet paper, Arnold commands his wife to GET TO THE price CHOPPA.

I literally skipped up the marble staircase in the Natural History Museum in New York to the dinosaur exhibit. It's neat.

"something as seeming inconsequential as dinosaur bones"
Inconsequential!? We're talking about fucking dinosaurs. Just try not to be totally agog in the presence of a full-size apatosaurus. Just stare at a t rex skull for a few minutes. Nothing will ever be as badass as dinosaurs.