Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

If it's not A Toomer, is it perhaps I Hilliard?

Did you kill Tycho Brahe?

How much drunk me at the AV Club South-by party?

"As I had been told before, even "sensitive guys" are still guys with all of the baggage that can come from our society. "

Nice work here, pretend internet friends.

Off to Netflix; it's a categorical imperative!

Give this man the Wrestler treatment!
On second thought, Gary Busey as himself is so much more entertaining. Instead, can we get him a travel show or something? The premise really doesn't matter. Just something like, this week Gary Busey is in Ismir, next week Gary Busey is in Kyoto.

How can you forget about Charlie Sheen's classic: Cadence?

Totally disagree about Darrell. He's been one of the few parts of the show that have improved over the last couple seasons. His distant disdain could be played off the absurd office conflicts pretty well.

SQL is pretty much the opposite of making something beautiful. But I can sympathize. I no longer pursue truth and beauty in the universe. Instead, I draw pictures in AutoCAD. Which is like using MS Paint all day.

Hundreds of thousands? Yeesh. And to think, you coulda gotten an engineering degree from a regional public school and be making bank doing really easy work.

Seriously, this has to be the best line in the novel. Or any novel.

Why do you know who that is? Did he dork your girlfriend?

French movies do tend to be boring and suck. I mean, I can think of a lot of exceptions off the top of my head, but dear god do those people churn out some snoozers. I'd absolutely prefer Croctopus 3D over most of that croaking, stifled sexuality —- especially for a rare night out.

John, you're not nearly abrasive enough. Considering another person's perspective and acknowledging its validity is really not what we do here in the comment section.

You sit down when you pee….oh, nevermind.

I coulda used all this helpful advice when I was 18.

It's not even the most revolting part of that movie.

Miller, I agree with everything you just said. Fucking 'utilize' indeed. How did formula replace clarity as the standard to judge writing by?

As a TA I was shocked at how poorly seniors in a somewhat selective private university in the north east wrote. Papers were rife with run-ons and incomplete sentences. Punctuation was a total mystery to most students. Even coherent thoughts were rare and basically never found in successive sentences.