Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Nice tilde, justpassingby!

Don't forget War Games.

Well, there's this guy.

Yeah, that was odd.

You can't compare chemistry grad students to physics grad students. Just like you can't compare math grad students to…anything.

Wind Up Bird Chronicle, in my opinion, is certainly the place to start. It's an amazing, surrealistic portrait of grief. It's frequently surprising, but never seems like it's trying to surprise.

Did you see what GOD just did to us, man?

I think the moment when the guy just snaps in the middle of a study marathon —- when he just stands up and screams and bolts out of the room —- is pretty spot on. Especially everyone's nonchalance.

This was an annual, public screening back when I was a physics undergrad at UT. The resemblance of some of the tertiary nerds in the movie to many of my classmates was uncanny.

The show's pretty terrible but
the opening credits are good.

Damned Brits
He'll saw children, but not the British children.

Am I the only one…

Delicatessen is super. Easily my favorite JPJ.

I like all of the people you listed. Ricky Skaggs is like some kind of finger-picking alien sent to teach the earth how to play a mandolin and grow a pompadour.

Tom Waits is already cast as Ron Perlman in the film.

Two things: I kind of like Resurrection.

Oh come on, you can troll better than that.

If I were the kind of dickhole who did such things, I'd make a gimmick account named Juggalo Giggalo Jacque, a French lothario ninja.

No kidding. Or Charlie Robison, Max Stalling, Adam Carroll, Guy Clark or Robert Earle Keen.

This was my thought too. I really, really hope so.