Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Dirty Bitches with Mike Rowe

The Executive Surf Club is one of the few bright spots in CC.

I really don't see how songs about tweaking out on a dirty mattress on the floor implies upper class.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there was so little Texas country in a feature called Nashville or Bust. But it's still a shame 'cause we're so much better at country music, especially when it comes to the new stuff.

Fake Plastic Trees is a song that makes me stop whatever I'm doing to listen to it when it pops up.

A co-worker claims Godsmack as his ll-time favorite band. He travels to see the them play live. He also recently listed C + C Music Factory among his favorites.

Man, I wanted to jump in and defend Sublime a bit, but first I'd just like to disassociate myself from Damagej. That guy's a nut.

Don't click on any of these! They're all Rick Rolls!

You understand it take about a dozen years of work to learn to dance at the level of the character Natalie Portman is playing, right? That would have put the production quite a bit behind schedule.

These ripostes make me hurt.

I am beside myself at your befuddlement.

U are for Wasting Space.

That comment makes me sad.

Hmmm, I think that B ending is pretty cliche —- typical "it was all a dream, she was crazy the whole time" sort of thing. I'll have to think about it more, but I think I liked how it went. There wasn't a twist. I don't think it was intended to be a twist. We've seen so many movies use the trick of not letting the

No. Bland, emotionless sentimentality is bad, while shooting and drinking are fun, independent of gender. Try to avoid regurgitating rote quasi-academic completely facile interpretations of gender or sexuality or race. It'll really go a long way toward being less of a douchenugget.

That's terrible news. Nate Dog was crucial.

I always wondered if all those songs about how much cowboys love their wives were just selling to women. The rednecks I know let people know how much they love their wives by making horrible, cruel public fun of them. In a charming way.

Stevie Ray Vaughn is clearly #2. Basically, it's those two guys and everyone else.

I tried to do the Tim Duncan and be quietly better than all of you, but I failed and instead did the Kwame Brown where I ate nothing but Popeyes for 3 weeks and got scurvy.

I incurred perhaps the biggest eyeroll of my life (and that's saying something; probably the most common form of communication from a woman to me is an eye roll) when I started singing I Just Had Sex when I had just had sex.