Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Jeesus, prof. You're really neglecting your mad sciencing today. Don't you have an undergrad you need to make an awkward pass at?

Non-crazy? They wear magical underwear.

I rarely do, but today, I laughed at Lobsters.

Pig, that is not the way to mis-use 'done.'

Gotta love a good show
about logjammin' Republicans.

But can we get one of these on Mormonism? There aren't too many Scientologist governors.

It's true though. Conservation of angular momentum is freakin' weird.

It's basically a hyper-bloody The Shining in space. But somehow it's still pretty rad. Though I always thought it was weird that Sam Neil was married to Tori Amos.

I was disappointed by that one. After Popcorn, it went downhill fast.

I might actually pay 8 bucks for a CD.

Where we're going, we don't need eyes.

How much face Taylor Swift?

I'm sure glad there aren't any dragons left.

Tomorrow on the History Channel: Yesterday. Find out what happened today, tomorrow.

You're doing the pull-quote gag wrong.

Question: Am I the only one?

This is exactly why
I need pitch Celebrity Court. Imagine getting some mustachioed, no-nonsense curmudgeon to preside over disputes about Courtney Love's twitter feed.

Can't it be both?

I shouldn't announce this, but my first and middle name are Kevin Troy. That band name freaked me out.

I did not know that. Sean, how is there no title text for that picture?