Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Every year at South By, I inform people that I'm a member of the electro-dancenoise psychedelic freakout project: Larry, Curly 'n Motion.

As it turns out
I'm wearing dirty fucking milkpants right now.

That was a roller coaster of emotions.

How is there no alt-text for that picture?

Teenage Twats by GG Allin

Cookie Mountain is a pretty good album. I don't know about Dear Science. I read in an interview here some bullshit from the band about science being soulless or whatever and have no interest in even hearing it. Artists who think science is dumb…are dumb.

That really took off quickly.

It's Scurvy Lou Gherig's disease for you.

I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

Thank you Ted, that was the joke.

Do you feel like a giant cockholster when you use the word "spit" like that?

Enjoy that terrible case of Upper Respiratory IBS

I'm at the Pizza Hut
I'm at the Taco Bell.

You forgot the theramin.

Exactly, magnus. The man was a seething ball of empathy.

Yeah, I have to agree with DL. That was exactly my first thought. His routines really do work as a strange whole, alternating among resigned desperation, vitriol, and jovial buffoonery. And generally ending with a little dose of reflective optimism.

Laslo, I try not to think about it.

Sorry, the worst line is clearly "I see them riding seaward on the waves." Has he ever been to a beach? Waves don't go seaward.

My former girlfriend used to laugh at Bill Hicks till her sides hurt. And she's a makeup and shoe-shopping-spree kinda girl.

Agreed re: hollyhox.