Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

How about a 6 inch tall button that's nearly all white space

See, I watched Back to the Future and wanted to be like Doc.

Despite checking the googles, I do not get this joke. Though I now know she EGOTed.

Heeeeeeeeeeey you guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys!

Don't be fatuous, you guys.

I would probably enjoy her company, as she seems like a down to earth person, if you know what I mean.

Ace Ventura's Holistic Detective Agency.

"But if nothing else, bad movies are taking money that could be better invested — either in good movies or in other things. "

There are no unpublished authors anymore, only bloggers.

Though it does make sense to go after a large arsenal that you know, for a fact, exists rather than aimlessly scavenging in the hope of finding something.

What happened with Rick's guns in the first episode shows that it's not so easy to have all the supplies you want, in abundance, even if you know where they are.

Here's the thing about decided who among your group to kill: it sets a dangerous precedent that can quickly get all Robspierre on you. Pretty soon, you're killing someone for sneaking off with an extra ration at dinner.

I'd bet he used his belt to make a tourniquet before he went to work on the hand.

Yeah, my thought was that pretty much every "geek" in the neighborhood was following Merle.

Who's gonna get zombiefied 1st? No fair if you've read the comics. I say, since the only purpose of his character so far is to be likable, that Dale will be shuffling around the camp, longing for brains here in a couple episodes.

What was great about this ep
was the shocking lack of zombies. Apart from the hoard trying to push through the chained roof-top door in the opening, there were, what, two zombies? And neither was particularly menacing to the characters. The biggest dangers were from among the other survivors. I thought it was a

No good. Sounds too much like Gilligan.

Kinda a weird use of parenthesis there.

For me it's Bill Moyers, with Jim Lehrer a galactically distant 2nd

I don't think I've ever seen such vociferous unanimity here at the AV Club as the Matt and Kim hate. Doesn't it feel good to get along?