Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I want to be a Pornologician

I think it can't really get too much more obscene; it'll simply become more and more bizarre. The Japanese are bringing up the vanguard.

Pretty sure a 16 year old would be bored to tears by an issue of Playboy.

So does not having any zombies. What's your point?

That's…not exactly what's in the 1st Amendment.

The door of the municipal incinerator is small. What do you propose we do with the city's dead homeless, smart guy? In this economy, any job's a good job.

I mentioned it above, but I gotta say, the sound effects there were absurd. Over-the-top gushing and splattering with every swing. Too comical to be horrifying.

Howabout the over-the-top sound effects when chopping up the zombie corpse (is that redundant)? Each swing of the axe came with a huge splatter and gush noise. That really took me out of the scene. I know it sounds paradoxical, but I want realism out of my zombie fiction.

Ok, now you're just mashing it down.

Well, the Paltrow hate originated, I believe, with Amelie. She really introduced all of us to something we used to mostly ignore and now can all come together and hate. Which, of course, we love.

I had a conversation last night in which it was proposed that the Autistic had no souls and weren't actually people —- they are just shaped like people. And, to repay their crimes against humanity, the Germans should be tasked with running a refugee center for the world's Autists.

Chipotle? No dude, Freebirds.

I think it works by bringing a public shame to those who, in using offensive language, have been caught thinking offensive thoughts.

Is it really the case that transvestites generally get a sexual thrill from cross-dress? I'd always assumed they just wanted to look pretty. It's further my understanding that the huge majority of transvestites are straight.

@ some guy

I think there's a problem with even saying 'both sides.' It implies this rift of ideas: you either have this set of beliefs or that set. Why is it that if I find out your opinion on abortion, I have a really good chance of guessing your opinion on taxes or gun ownership or affirmative action? These are, by and

No way it takes 3 weeks.

The reason I don't care for Olberman et al is not because he's emotional. It's because he's a horrible, intolerable partisan hack. He occasionally says things I agree with, but that doesn't excuse demagoguery. I find them generally smug, self-satisfied, often wrong, myopic and generally bad thinkers.

I can live with that. As long as it haunts you the rest of your life.

I call bullshit on the OP. The deep disturbing horror you would feel looking at the face of your wife and pulling a trigger with the intent to destroy it would certainly be profound. Perhaps, in the end your rational mind will win out, but it won't totally silence your emotions when you're doing probably the most