Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Geometric growth is fast. Depending on how often zombies eat and how long the zombie-itis incubates, well over 90% of the US could be zombiefied in a matter of days.

Should have gone as one of the topless mob chasing that guy off the cliff.

You're against organizing a nationwide costume party?

You know…
I never did see Saw.

If I were doing the Halloween thing this year, I'd planned on doing a group costume as the Nihilists. We'd take turns carrying the giant scissors.

I wore a pretty outstanding Doc Brown costume a few years back. I had a lot of long, wild hair that I dyed as close to white as I could get it. Lab coat, laser goggles, 4 watches. It was rad, and especially well received at a grad student party.

I've long tried to talk a girl — any girl — into going as Sexy Hitler for Halloween.

He makes love like an eagle falling out of the sky.
He threw a knife into heaven and didn't say why.

Can we just say 'post production?' Anything to lower the dB level in here.

Last time a song made me cry it was Fake Plastic Trees. I was spending the day with Dr. Ellis D. Trails, if you get my drift.

I was thinking it was, somehow his mememnonic device to remember Clair's name and I tried to figure out what the chair of connections could possibly be. No luck.

As soon as I heard the line, I thought of you guys here at avc.

Sounds like a character from a porn version of The Wire.

I feel like I'm reading a Sam Beckett play.

Glaring omission
The first thing that jumped into my mind was ElectroShock Blues. The Eels could single-handedly double the length of this feature.

How about:

The shoddy Hatchetman tattoo covering up all the lady-bacne is a pretty good indicator, true.

s' is plural possessive.

That first paragraph is terrible. The second is pretty good. But man, all those M-dashes just left a bunch of cluttered, badly structured sentences. Punctuation's supposed to make things easier to read.

Come on! The best episode is Right Man for the Gob. Because it has unlimited juice.