Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

You started two consecutive sentences with the word, 'given.'

The kind that prefers working outside to dealing with academics. Those guys are dicknoses.

Can I just say that as someone who has a few degrees — and in a technical field that I love — that a grad degree isn't all that cool or impressive. Having a job offers a lot of freedom in its own way, in that you can actually afford to do things. I'd say that in general, getting a grad degree is a waste. And the

This seemed like the best place
to start the AV Club Fantasy Football League shit talk.

I was totally gonna pull for the metal kids until I saw there was an Austin team.

Sorry, Ack Ack, but you're uninterested, not disinterested.

Funny. I'm from the gulf coast.

Way too late to the game here for anyone to read my interpretation, but fuck it, I like shouting into the emptiness of the universe.

Well ok, I'm from Texas, not the South. But I grew up in a town of about 2500 people. I always kinda felt like I had a much better chance of getting a gun pulled on me in NYC than in rural Texas.


Yeah…but it's still not a jump cut.

Really? Cause I've lived in the South for most of my life and I've never met anyone like this guy.

They put soap on it and they expect you to thank them.

Heil, Heil,
Heil and kill!

Tommy, I like the cut of your jib.

Muthersexing finally
TVZ next up. I'm going to flood the comments with unrepentant devotion. Kinda like when the Wire comes up anywhere else on this site.

Honestly, I almost always prefer when someone else sings a Billy Joe Shaver song. Also, when I see him live, all I can pay attention to are his missing fingers.

I think he's just mad cause he wants a prosthetic forehead on his real head.

He's a great man
I should have been a pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
