Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

For Sooth!
No embedded LaLa player? Alas! I want to hear it before I invest 6 minutes downloading it.

Hmm, I can see where you're coming from. But I can't get behind any of the German national team. Pigpoker is featherweight faux-hawked nancy.

I'm gonna have to say that most everything in this thread is right. But the politics are a bit douchey.

Wow, ttt, that really clears up a lot of confusion for me. I watch soccer whenever there's an interesting match being shown (I enjoyed seeing Milito blow up Bayern —- because really, fuck the Germans. When there's no Ribery there's nothing to enjoy about Munich) but had no idea how the structure of pro leagues

The word 'dump' has always had an oddly potent comedic effect on my. In any context. Dump truck. Dump cake. Dumpster.

Ben says no.

It's not a scene, but something that I found interesting about Children of Men is that Clive Owen never shoots anyone.

Hey, I turned 23 yesterday.

How is being creeped out by Charlie Sheen homophobic?

Ugh. That quote makes me hate this guy. Music about being a musician —- like books about novelists and movies about actors —- is a heinous, narcissistic, myopic eye-roller.

18-29 huh? I guess that makes me OG hipster. That is, if I were a hipster. Which I'm not. Because they're terrible.

North American Scum would single-handedly ruin SoS for me…if I cared at all for the rest of SoS. That kinda shit bugs the me. Few things are worse that badly executed, trite satire. But badly executed, trite satire songs are one of those things.

I gotta say, so far I like this one a lot better than SoS. I've really given SoS a more than fair shot, and I could tell that I liked the band from that album. But I just didn't like that album. I'm glad I didn't give up on the band, cause I'm digging this one.

I'd be pretty mad too if I lost my leg. I think the lyrics work just fine.

The name's Wally Metropolis.

Didn't he break his arm on his locker while he was there?

Ricky has been one of my favorite football players for a long time. Austin still loves you Ricky, and always will.

They were all books
When I was like 14, Harlan Ellison. That's about the right age for that guy.

Your designated hitter?

Pop it Tommy!