Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

HA! Great video indeed.

Man, I'd love it if Justify your Existence came back. That was great.

Starts sentence, puts on sunglasses, makes a pun, screams.

The Snark was a Boojum

Early contender for Least Essential Album of 2010?

The only reason I clicked on this was to see how long before that comment showed up, Pete. Thanks.

"Brechtian distance?"

Wait, so the only way to do good is to lose something yourself? That's kind of shitty. It assumes there's some sort of conservation of happiness or goodness and that for anyone to gain some, someone else has to lose some.

Yeah, I'd like to see the standard deviation of the grade, too.

Thing is, those were actually 6 different Sean Paul songs; they just all sound identical.

Yeah, I'd love to try to do something like this (well not like this, because it's pretty good and I'm the sort of guy who leaves projects at about 40% done) now that I've got all this free time being unemployed and all. But I'm broke, being unemployed and all.

I hate to pile on (well, that's a lie) but a gerund isn't simply an 'ing' construction, but an 'ing' construction used as a noun.

The problem with this movie is that it's dull. Shit, my 15 year old brother thought all the blood and violence was just boring. There isn't one memorable fight scene in the whole movie.

It's not something that could have happened, it's something that DID happen. They didn't put that boat there, they just found it.

Katje Borgesius?

At one point I kinda of laugh-yelled (yeah, we smuggled in liquor—-it's what we do) at the screen, "Not in her mouth again!"

Man, I don't see the point of comparing EDII and AOD. They're so fundamentally different.

Hi. I would just like to say that this is misleading. This is NOT a website for finding large predatory cats for sex.

How have you already written this? That's fast. It took me longer than that just to write this comment. You'd think someone who spends so much time on each comment would write better comments. But no, they're uniformly mediocre.
