Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

AVC Historian, you made me laugh so I nearly choked.

I disagree. With broader choices, the long tail of the Gaussian becomes profitable. When there are only 3 TV stations, AD doesn't get shown at all; you have to program only for the broadest audiences. But with many channels you can cater to niche audiences and actually make money.

DD, it's not so difficult in the south. In Texas central it'll be 70 and rainy for pretty much all of September.

DD, it's not so difficult in the south. In Texas central it'll be 70 and rainy for pretty much all of September.

It's obviously a stylistic choice. What's your point? Mine is that it's starting to be overused.

Hometown hero? He's from Mississippi.

It's what plants crave.

I'd say TV is better now than it's been at any other point in my life. I mean, yes, at exactly this moment we're mourning AD, The Wire, and others that are recently deceased. But think about it in broader terms. Good TV is actually getting made now. The fact that you can make money on a canceled series through DVD

What, the guy plays one season for this 3rd team, and you think he's abandoned the fans? Sure, he's a turd for all the wavering and attention seeking. But How many franchises get a solid, playoff quality QB for that long?

Probably way too late in the game…
I thought this write-up was very well done — as is almost all the writing on this site — but I'm noticing that the phrases, "but I'll get to that later," or, "but I'm getting ahead of myself" are appearing over and over again in AVC articles. There's nothing objectively wrong with

Probably way too late in the game…
I thought this write-up was very well done — as is almost all the writing on this site — but I'm noticing that the phrases, "but I'll get to that later," or, "but I'm getting ahead of myself" are appearing over and over again in AVC articles. There's nothing objectively wrong with

Switters, I'm pretty sure Dwight applied to work with you. And you turned him down. FACT: you've never made a graver mistake.

I would play a Taste Test Duel With Chang flash game instead of working.

lex, what's wrong with valuing abstract mathematics?

There are plenty of publishing jobs not in NYC. The major publishers are constantly downsizing, but they ship off work to the smaller houses. If you don't mind soul-crushing work with absurd deadlines, you can make decent money.

Yeah the life of an Eagles fan is a rough one. Overshadowed by the in-state rival, capable of whipping or getting whipped by any team in the NFL. I would feel some sympathy for you, except I hate you with a passion that burns hotter than the very fires from which the universe was born.

I don't know. Is it really worse to be a Lions fan? By now, you expect to be terrible, you've lost hope, you just enjoy the game and cheer for the guy you like. I imagine watching Calvin Johnson has been a bright spot.

It's hard to compare any NFL team to the Yankees because of revenue sharing and the salary cap.

I'm also a displaced Austinite living near Boston. On top of colder and meaner, don't forget uglier people and worse music.

If I'm in town…
I'll be there. Otherwise, try and have fun without me.