Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

You should hear me when I get all worked up about The Brothers Karamazov. Just ask urtext.

Who do I have to blow to get a mai tai around here?

Dallas in now in this group of teams who have not won a playoff game in a decade: Detroit, Cincinnati, Houston, and Cleveland. Now that the former NFC East whipping-boys are off that list, the shame is nearly unbearable.

Wait, who overrates Roy Williams? Overpaid, sure. But after that rookie season, it did look like he'd be a good player — so at the time, the contract made sense. But when you're a 2 down safety and everyone points at you when your team gives up the big play, it's hard to say you're overrated. Just, you know, bad.

I say meh to Beauty Bar. I prefer the velvet paintings of nekkid ladies at Jackalope or the giant limestone wall at De Ville, or the camaraderie and 1/2 pitchers at Deep Eddie.

@ NF

This thread brought to you by the under 25 AVC constituency.


I think Harlan Ellison is also a semi-frequent contributer.

Not only is the writing in Playboy pretty good, but it's really the ONLY reason to buy the magazine now. If you're only interested in naked chicks, well, I think there's probably a better, cheaper source available.

Wow. This is pretty great. Why haven't I seen another AVC thread arguing about the best porn on the internet? This can't be the first time this debate has sprung up, but I've never seen it before.

Which is exactly the problem with liberal-arts education.

No love for Herzog's commentaries? I think the stories behind his movies are often more fantastical than the movies themselves. Seriously, where do you find a guy like Bruno S.?

Wait, what? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?!

Just plain befuddled
I am really confused. I have so many questions: How did this get made? What criteria were used to select these artists and these songs? What's the common thread? Can I record something by Rick Astley for the follow-up album?

As a liberal and a vociferous proponent of free expression
I don't have any problem with this.

BOOM! Roasted.

It's a wolfman wolfman wolfman wolfman world.

something something something

I think you're thinking of poopdick