Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Half is remarkably generous.

…and now, angry ticks fly out of my nipples

The reason evolution and not, say the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, is so abhorrent to the ID crowd if because it displaces humans from the special status given to them by being 'made in the image of god.'

urtext, I loled. Who cares if you don't like The Brothers Karamazov? You're ok in my book.

My favorite part of her profile: listing Swann's Way as her favorite book. My guess is that Steve Carell told her that Proust was the greatest writer since Shakespeare in LMrsSS and she just ran with it.

Yes, please.

Behind the Green Door > Devil in Mrs. Jones > Deepthroat

Isn't that the pic you're already using?

I hope this is the beginning of the billionaire misanthropist craze. Seriously, I want to see more horrible, depraved acts performed by our wealthiest citizens.

Cause of death: not following your own advice
He shouldn't have eaten stuff of the sidewalk.

I have a question:

I guess I'm not as concerned with realism. I mean, in any kind of moderately realistic universe, Michael and Dwight would have been fired years ago, Creed would be in jail. Everyone would have quit. It's an absurd show, top to bottom.

I think it's more specific even than that, Dunk.

Barry Sanders _might_ have destroyed Emmit's record. Or he might have destroyed his knee. As has been mentioned above, there's no telling exactly when a RB breaks down, but when it happens it's sudden and it's the end. The fact is, we'll never know what would have happened if Sanders hadn't retired.

Drag rats are essential. You would miss them if they were gone.

Thanks, taint.

Oh good
Now we can start up the annual argument about whether South by sucks, about whether Austin sucks, about whether people from California coming to Austin suck, and about how Bonaroo, Coachella, or the South Western Iowa Folk Festival are all better than SXSW because it's just too commercial now.

Greek, I suppose.

You know, I think he should have stuck to his guns. Looks like he wussed out, the chicken.

Wow, that _is_ hipsterish, Thelonius Monkey. You use French earphones.