Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Seems like
Tambor's been saying this is certainly going to happen for a while now. I hope he's right, but I just can't let myself believe it.

I don't run—-ugh does running suck—-but I do work out. However, I don't like to listen to music that I like while I work out. I like to listen to metal. What I need is ZoMoFo's iPod when I work out.

Not really. But thanks.

Roll, apparently.

Woah. Can I just enthusiastically put in my thirds for Townes Van Zandt and Nathaniel West?

That's really too bad. I always thought Louis C.K. was pretty funny.


That's all good an well
but can we get a MacGyver movie?

Nice write-up!
My roommate is pretty much an IWToP machine. Two weeks ago, he renting this movie and just a few days later he brings home Righteous Kill. How does he do it?


Cowboys fan here too, Prison Wine. And we count the commenter formerly known as bee man among our ranks.

I with you bee man. Can I still call you bee man?

Woah! Woah woah woah. TO is a cocky, immature, silly, oaf…but he's not scared to go over the middle. The man's a terror in the slot.

sign up…or else

I think it's intentionally ambiguous.

She looks so bitchin.' She always listens. She never tells me I'm loser.

Count me on the list for reading and re-reading. One of my absolute favorites.

I teach a similar class, Liz. What do you think of teaching community college? I think it's the direction I want to go.

Which bar in Amherst?

I'm not sure what you're suggesting about me "protesting too much." But point taken. I mentioned to a friend that someone on the internet called me pretentious and she said, "You are pretentious." So I guess I can't argue with you there.