Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with urtext here. It does a disservice to clear communication if we use "poetry" to mean pretty much anything that moves us with words. On the other hand, it's neither possible nor important to give a rigorous definition of what is and is not poetry.

I watched this at work, but now I can't watch any videos because my flash player is malfunctioning. I uninstalled it and tried to re-download it, but I can't download it for some reason. So I'll probably be commenting on articles with videos a lot less until this gets fixed.

I watched this at work, but now I can't watch any videos because my flash player is malfunctioning. I uninstalled it and tried to re-download it, but I can't download it for some reason. So I'll probably be commenting on articles with videos a lot less until this gets fixed.

Furthermore, in the movie, you actually heard the characters speak, rather than reading speech bubbles. So there's that difference.

Seemed like the fighting shown in the trailer was from the prison break, and the beginning, with the Comedian.


What's the smartest thing to ever come out of a woman's mouth?

Sorry, Scotteb

Not being really well-read in the medium, it may be the case that Watchmen is "the greatest graphic novel ever written." But I just can't agree that it's "worthy of consideration in discussion of the great novels of its century."

It's not a cunt punch, it's a poon jab.

I'm not being elitist and I'm not trolling. The Watchmen is not great. It's not. It's philosophizing is trivial, warmed over, rushed, and force-fed to the reader. The characters are poorly conceived and totally unoriginal. Dr. Manhattan's existential crisis is sophomoric and it's resolution is in every way

Man, I just don't get it. I really didn't think it was either exciting or thought-provoking. Seemed kind of juvenile and poorly characterized. The last third just came out of no-where and really didn't make much sense, and was really badly paced. Also, the story line with the Silk Specter was borderline

I think nima is one of the, say, top 5 or 8 albums of the 90's.

What can I say? I like listing things. Once I get going…I can't help myself…I just can't stop…

mbs, are you referring to that weird, young-adult sci-fi book? I hope you are, because I don't think I've ever met anyone else who's read it. When I was a kid, that shit rocked my socks.

I'm gonna say that it absolutely doesn't matter because the book is mediocre at best. It's not terrible, but it really doesn't live up to they hype.

It's just like reading Irvine Welsh

H v D, that suggestion just blew my mind. I would watch that movie.
