Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

ba's favorite animal is pretty much the liger…probably for its skills in magic.

I'm not sure the etiquette
Is this the appropriate spot to mention that

Is it really pink? I'm getting more of a soothing lavender.

We need that Caveman Lawyer to show up for the defense of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Corpus Christi, TX. I grew up near there.

Porpoise, are you from CC?

Oh, sure Pilgrim. I won't contest that. Carry on.


There's no other good plural you in English. It really does add something. I say bully to y'all.

No no, I think I know what he's driving at. He's not talking about actual masculinity, but some kind of affectation. It's all awkward mimicry and self-conscious bravado. Think of scrawny, pale geeks who talk about fighting and specific, obscure firearms. Am I right?

You know what would be extra-super sweet? Some kind of alert to let you know when one of your comments was replied to—-or when a threat in which you've commented has been replied to.

I feel the same way. And the solution to change the background color, while a good idea, is unhelpful to Google Chrome users.

I think bee man was flith flarn a long long time ago, and somehow the redesign sent him back to the old name.

@ correction: Bravo

I really hope Arizona wins the Super Bowl. I think it'd have a better chance of causing a mini black hole than the LHC.

No one ever gets that deep into American Pie; you just tune it out after "rhythm and blooo-OOOOOOs."

Also, like MF Doom I have several rap alter-egos:
Main Method and MC Squared.

My rap name…
Bullion Cube

That's funny and hip. You call it a game.