Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Global Warming refers specifically to rising averages annual global temperature. But, it is also predicted that the fluctuations in temperature will rise. Thus, while the average temperature goes up, the day-to-day temperature is going to be more varied. The very coldest days will be colder, and the hottest days

I'm in a similar fix.

It's a filthy lie that you can add enough clothes and you'll be warm. A filthy, goddamned lie. Plus, who wants to walk around dressed like the Michelan Man? There is no warm-weather equivalent of digging your car out of the snow or black ice. Winters up here are gray, sullen and bitter. I need more than 2 1/2

Boy did that smell good!

Wait a minute!
10,000 BC came out last year? That just doesn't seem right.

If that's your bag, mbs, I hope for your sake you've seen Beer Fest. A magical, cascading sequence of screaming, falling, and pulling down tops.

Philly, I agree with you on 2 out of 3 points. Fat people, however, NEED our vitriol to inspire them to better themselves. It's a public service.

I will almost certainly see this. My girlfriend is an unrepentant KoQ fan, and, honestly it's grown on me. I'm an asshole who judges things before he sees them, and I was all ready to berate the show with a constant stream of withering snark. But instead I just relaxed and laughed.

It's not a very good movie.

mushroom MUSHROOM

I think it's humanizing to see actual photographs of the commenters. Don't be so cynical; why would you assume narcissism? And with no evidence. Believe it or not, people aren't always totally horrible.

Yeah, but Phoenix is a horrible abomination against nature. People weren't meant to live there; there's no water.

Can Prop Joe come too?

It is imperative that you watch them in order. There is no flexibility here.

Does that make Karen Marlo and Jan is, what, Brother Muzone?

I'm digging P's bit too. But remember buddy, less is more. Lie low for a while.

Heh, that's funny. I just read the same Slate article. Which wouldn't be odd, except it's two years old.

Which is, I assume how you got them Herps.

Woah, check out the razor-sharp tongue on this guy! What will he say next?