Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Funny, I don't care for The Island. But I like all 3 Crane Wives and Yankee Bayonet. I tend to skip the rest of TCW.

You should be wary of beards. They hide more than weak jaw lines.

I love Decemberists-related posts
It brings out the animal side of the comment boards. This'll get gory.

The public has spoken. AV Club, the comment boards demand a Huey Lewis soundtrack.

I think the opposite will be true. Under the Obama administration, they're gonna get all indignant and self-righteous. They'll be angry and constantly on the look out for evidence of the downfall of American society.

I think she's just gotta up her rep' a little bit before we get one hell of a gross celebrity sex tape.

H = E

I was thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to using a really unflattering picture of me, shirtless, wearing board shorts, a lei, a cowboy hat, doing a pelvic thrust, screaming and holding a Miller High -Life.

How much nudity are we talking about here?

Zeros, why'd you have to go and douche up my thread?

I've been waiting to see ZoMoFo's avatar. Now I can sign out and go home.

Good point. We should be arguing about whether or not we should be arguing about who's in and who's not in.

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
Why I oughtta!

I gotta second Push Back on this one. A pink shirt can be dashing.

Here's the line

Mark me down for Clueless. Suck it!

Ba, you are hereby ordered not to mention NYC for six working days. If you fail to comply, I will write you a demerit. Three demerits and you receive a citation. Five citations, and you're looking at a violation.

That, or he could launch a coup.

Pasolini Hut
Hey guess what…That pizza you just ate was made entirely out of human feces! HA!