Registered Nickname

Hey, you took my name! What are you some kind of douche?

Yeah that's about right!

had to shut it off after 15 minutes
You know that part of the show where he does the game show and walks off talking about how it's so bad he wants to take a shower? Why oh why couldn't he have done that at NBC when he was filming this piece of crap?

Can I be a little catty here? Helen Hunt looks like a monster!!!!

Good thing no one here saw me at the grocery store yesterday on the verge of going completely apeshit because the automated check out register wasn't scanning anything right AS USUAL.

OMG, is that right, what Domo Arigato said?? That sounds heart wrenching, and I'm not even kidding!! How fucking depressing!

I want to belive that thoughtful ape wrote that ironically.

I just wanted to say that The Downfall of Adventuresicle's comment was funny. Carry on.

Suzanne Vega was that lady with the stringy hair who sang "Luca".

I've said it before and I'll say it again
Fuck all you Wiig haters. Can you guys talk about anything else? It's so incessant that while I'm watching the show I start to feel bad every time I see her in a sketch, because I know that she'll be shit on in this recap the next day.

How, pray tell, is she getting worse? She may be getting more air time than you'd like, with characters that you'd like to see less often, but how does that mean she's getting worse?

So what.

I saw him and sort of forgot he wasn't on the show anymore, and then I was like- oh hey it's Will Forte. This all took several seconds. Wonder if that's what everyone in the audience was doing too.

As usual.

Thanks Linda Ellerbe.

I agree about Hard Candy. I TRIED to watch it, because a friend recommended it, and I had to shut the damned thing off half-way through. She sucked. Plus I get squeemish.

How much did the Remember Wenn guy get?

So they'll be killing off Megan soon?

I can't say she's ugly, but for some reason I just can't stand to watch or listen to this girl.

Your observation is mostly bullshit, LC. I don't know about the bathing suits, specifically, but Joan Crawford purposely bought a couple of cheapo cotton dresses from Woolworths for her role- she was way serious about this part, and it meant everything to her to do it right. But funny enough, she famously got a