
Well, I guess we're gonna be friends after all…"Richard".

"Fuck" is fine. "Motherfucker" crosses a line.

I find your lack of faith in Statham disturbing.

Verhoeven didn't know it was satire? That is, bar none, the stupidest assertion in AVClub history. You need to get your Verhoeven on, son.

Fuck it, they should remake Star Wars episodes I-III. Wait until after 2012 when Lucas leaves on his spaceship so he won't whine, and remake that shit correct.

I was watching Point Break on TNT or whatever and my wife said, "What is this?" This was like 2 weeks after she told me she had no idea who Lando Calrissian was, at which point I had started re-evaluating some of my life choices.

I've had it up to here with your goddamn anecdotal evidence! Alien: Beach Dicks was not improperly marketed. I know this because I have mad datas.

I think the trailer for True Grit might be better than Inception, and I thought Inception was great. In like 30 seconds you get Jeff Bridges in full on Jeff Bridges born again hard mode, plus Josh Brolin and Matt Damon. At least when prorated for running time, the True Grit trailer is better than Inception.

Detroit is great because there's way more latitude to do whatever you want. Shit, if you told the city fathers in Cleveland that you and a band of anarchists wanted to plow under urban wasteland and start a farming co-op, they'd slap your ass right back up to Cleveland Heights. In Detroit, you don't even ask, you

I heard Nicolas Sarkozy has "le thug" tattooed just above his cock in Bodoni.

Boggle rules! I chuckl'd.

But he ruled in barely-hoo ha-covering skirts, so I don't see the problem here. PS (spoiler alert):

A little know fact
Most people don't know this, but it's true. Disgusted by his own celebrity, Eddie Vedder actually became Brendan Frasier. There will be a documentary about this in early 2012.

I think the reason that the dinner party episode isn't that hard to watch is because I had basically accepted Michael and Jan as jackasses at that point. So I didn't really care if they were ridiculous; it wasn't painful at all to just laugh at them, and everyone else at the party seems to have come to the same

'Who is the nicest celebrity that you know?'
Adam Sandler.

"No sign of foul play or trauma" is standard lingo at the Coroner's office for "he died of natural causes". It's just the term the use as a matter of course.

I saw him at the bank once. He looked like a guy standing in line at the bank.

Actually the change in gravity is faster than light, and the explosive force is slower. So the nexus would shift, and then a bit later the planet gets nuked. So if the Sun vanished, we'd fly off into space for 8 minutes before the light stopped getting to us.

Props to Try the Merlin Chop on a stealth first which he then *drops a second time in the same thread*?! That's some epic first!

I'll be Poot.